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Kolsby Gordon Sponsors 5K Race to Promote Mental Health Awareness

Kolsby, Gordon, Robin, Shore & Bezar is pleased to announce it will be sponsoring the Minding Your Mind 5K race in Ardmore, Pennsylvania on Sunday, April 6, 2014.

Minding Your Mind is the leading provider of mental health programs to students, teachers, administrators and the community in Greater Philadelphia and New Jersey. These educational programs, which are free of charge to the school, occur during school assemblies, health classes and workshops, and cover issues ranging from mood disorders, suicide ideation and eating disorders, to addictive behavior and bullying.

For the past three years, Minding Your Mind has hosted a 5k Run/1 Mile walk to raise awareness about mental health issues affecting young adults and the funds needed to provide free education programs throughout the Delaware Valley.

With the reported number of teen suicides in the area increasing, Kolsby Gordon wanted to take part in and support Minding Your Mind’s commitment to reduce the stigma of teenage mental health and educate young people about mental illnesses and the positive choices that can be made to deal with mental health issues.

To learn more about the Minding Your Mind 5K Race, please click here.


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