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Attorney Robert Hunn Elected to Pathways to Housing Board of Directors

Congratulations to attorney Robert N. Hunn, who has been elected to the board of directors for the Philadelphia branch of the nonprofit Pathways to Housing PA.

Pathways to Housing assists homeless individuals with psychiatric disabilities find and maintain housing. The program’s success is marked by a unique business model. While many organizations require applicants to be “housing ready”–that is, participants in treatment programs–Pathways to Housing operates on a “housing first” model. By identifying housing as a basic human right that actually encourages rehabilitation, the organization has been able to assist over 600 people through their New York offices, while branching out into sister cities including Philadelphia. And it’s a mode of operation that works–Pathways to Housing boasts of staggering 85% retention rate.

Mr. Hunn brings a history of nonprofit governance to the organization. He has served as the Vice Chairman of the board of directors of Legacy Youth Tennis and Education (formerly Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis and Education) for six years, and will bring his strategic insight to the table in order to grow the relatively young Pathways to Housing PA.

“I am a true believer that ‘stress’ in its various forms leads people, especially people of limited means, to make bad choices in life. The organization recognizes that if you remove the stress of homelessness from a person’s life first, then it becomes easier for them to succeed in rehabilitation programs to improve their lives,” says Mr. Hunn.

Learn more about Pathways to Housing on their website,

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