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There’s no getting around it. Injuries to an innocent child are devastating incidents that can lead to lifelong challenges not just for the child, but for the extended family as well.

This is true whether the injuries happen as the result of mistakes made by medical professionals, poor supervision under the charge of teachers or staff, or from the tragedy of physical abuse in an unsafe living situation.

Even more devastating, these children can be robbed of opportunities available to healthy children, and may require assistance to do even the most basic tasks, like brushing teeth, holding a book, or standing up.

Working with experts in the field of life care planning and economics, Kolsby Gordon has the ability to identify future costs and expenses and hold wrongdoers accountable for the future expenses that these parents face.

As attorneys, winning large verdicts and settlements on behalf of injured clients and their families is only part of our job. We feel our work extends beyond this, and take great pride in helping these victims make the best of life after an accident. Whether this includes establishing college savings accounts for young injured children, or helping a family identify the best life care services in the region, we do our best to help clients feel whole again.

If your child has suffered an injury that could have been prevented, please call Kolsby Gordon today for a free consultation.

Injuries to Children Cases

$10.9 Million Settlement for Child Brain Injured by Medical Negligence in ICU.

A child’s medical team failed to provide him with appropriate care while he was recovering in the PICU. The child was deprived of oxygen for several minutes, causing him to suffer catastrophic brain injuries.

$ 3.75 Million Settlement for Medical Malpractice during a TOLAC delivery.

Medical negligence occurred during a trial of labor after cesarian section (TOLAC). As a result, despite head cooling treatment, the child suffered developmental delays.

Family of brain damaged child receives $6 million recovery

A six-year-old girl was hospitalized with pneumonia and was ventilated. A physician removed her endotracheal tube even though there were indications that the child had not recovered to the point where she could breathe on her own. After the endotracheal tube was removed, the child could not sufficiently oxygenate herself and suffered permanent brain damage. Kolsby Gordon was able to achieve a settlement that was sufficient to purchase an annuity to pay for the care this child would need for the remainder of her life.

$5 Million Settlement for failure to properly treat a child with a milk allergy

A five-year-old boy was given a protein shake by a nurse who was unaware that it was milk-based and the child had an allergy to milk products. The boy went into anaphylactic shock and suffered an anoxic brain injury.

$5 Million Settlement for birth injuries due to negligent delivery of infant

Our client was admitted to the labor floor. There was difficulty in reading the monitor
that checks on the baby’s health. The doctors did not change to a more reliable method, which caused a delay in recognizing the need for emergency C-section. The child has ongoing developmental delays.

$3.5 Million Settlement for birth injury results in brain damage and death of child

During the end of the plaintiff’s pregnancy, she suffered a complication that required immediate medical attention to prevent injury to the baby. Despite the fact that the plaintiff was rushed to the emergency room, she was ignored for hours while in the waiting room. As a result, the baby was deprived of oxygen, suffered brain damage and died four days after birth. Our plaintiff received $3.5 million as a result of this horrific medical oversight.

$3.5 million recovery for the family of child injured during birth

A baby was born with a twist in his intestines known as a malrotation, apparent through his persistent bile vomit, a clear sign of the medical emergency. Malrotation requires surgery to untwist before a perforation in the bowel occurs. Despite the fact that the infant vomited bile over the next 24 hours and an X-ray showed clear signs of the malrotation, nothing was done. Ultimately, the bowel perforated and had to be removed. Two years later, the child had to undergo a bowel transplant as a result of the delays.

$2.75 Million Settlement

A surgical mistake resulted in the patient having their colon removed and permanent bowel movement issues.

At Kolsby Gordon, you don't get an attorney working on a case.You get a team.

Why Clients Choose Kolsby Gordon

Life is just a little bit easier knowing our son will be taken care of.
Former Client

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